So, the term obesity describes a person who is overweight and has a lot of body fat. A very common condition that affects one in four adults and one in five children aged 10/11. There are many ways to correlate a person's health with weight and to classify it according to naturopathic medicine in toronto.
The most commonly used method is to use body mass index (BMI).
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of ideal (healthy) weight in relation to body height. It can be calculated with existing calculators on the Internet.
And the calculation formula is:
BMI = weight in kg / (height in meters) 2 BMI values:
Malnutrition <18.5 Normal weight 18.5-24.9
Overweight 25-29.9 Obesity 30-39.9
Extreme obesity> 40 (+)
BMI is not used in the definitive diagnosis of obesity, because very muscular people can have high BMI values without excess fat. But for most, BMI is a good indicator of whether they are healthy, overweight or obese. For a better assessment of excess body fat, in addition to calculating BMI, it is also used to determine waist circumference, in overweight people (BMI 25-29.9) and in obese people (BMI 40+).
Generally, men with a waist circumference of 94cm (and more), and women with a waist circumference of 80cm (and more) have an increased risk of developing obesity-related health problems. BMI is used worldwide as a simple method to assess a person's healthy weight in relation to height. As mentioned above, high BMI can also occur in very muscular people, in which case a better indicator is waist circumference.
Healthy desirable BMI also depends on ethnicity. The above-mentioned values mostly refer to white people. If it is a person of the other way, the values can be lower, so this should be investigated in more detail. BMI should not be used to determine a healthy weight in children because their bodies are still developing. In that case, you should consult a doctor. If you are overweight or belong to the group of overweight, be sure to consult a doctor for advice on a healthy way to lose weight.
The doctor will ask you the following questions:
Lifestyle - refers primarily to eating habits and physical activity; then on the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol;
Other medical conditions - or medications that may contribute to obesity; Your view of yourself and your attitude towards weight; as well as motivation for losing it;
Family medical history. In addition to determining BMI, additional analyzes include
Blood pressure measurement
Determination of glucose (blood sugar SHUK) and cholesterol in the blood
Waist circumference measurement
Additional analyzes must be performed to assess possible complications of obesity.
Risk factors
Thus, in addition to the visible physical changes that obesity brings with it, there are risks for the development of serious medical conditions, such as:
Type 2 diabetes (diabetes)
Insulin resistance
Coronary artery disease (angina pectoris)
Breast cancer and colon cancer
Stroke (stroke)
Obesity definitely affects a person's daily life. It can lead to serious problems in the socialization of an individual, to depression or low self-confidence.Find our contact information available on iBegin and Yalwa.
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